Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sneaky Advertising

Two words: Product Placement

Back in the days of "The Andy Griffith Show", it was not uncommon to see Andy stop by the gas station to buy a Coke (the actual product).  Sometime during the 70's though, there was a public backlash away from this kind of overt advertising during movies/TV programs and, as a result, products in shows became generic and unrecognizable.

Advertisers are sneaky though; they've realized that TiVo, Netflix and YouTube are effectively eliminating the effectiveness of commercials.  They have slowly worked their marketing efforts back into movies and television over the last 30 years or so--some of them quite subtly...and other's not so much.

Great Video about Product Placement in Movies

Will Smith Advertising Converse in "I, Robot"
I don't even like Converse and this video kind of makes me want to try them out.  

Thought Process: Will Smith is cool--Will Smith wears Converse--if I wear Converse, then I will be cool like Will Smith!

"Transformers" Plugging for ... just about Everything

And last but not least, the famous (or infamous) daytime soap opera "Days of Our Lives" has made a shameless contract with General Mills to market Cheerios.

I actually just found out that Proctor & Gamble/WalMart are producing family movies with their brand names products all over them as well.

So keep your eyes open the next time you see a movie or TV show--you might be surprised by what you didn't see before!

I'd love to hear of any other good (or bad) product placement that you've seen / heard about.

Please comment below!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Top 5 Shows from My Childhood

TV these days just isn't what it used to be.  I sit down every so often with siblings and all I see are shows with bratty, know-it-all kids with morons for parents and "laugh tracks" in the background.

People used to tell me that the shows that I watched as a kid were just as dumb so I decided to watch a few of them again (now that I'm older) and I still argue that they are better than the mindless garbage that is on these days.

Thus, I give you: The Top 5 Shows from My Childhood (in no particular order):


Dexter's Laboratory

Magic School Bus

What were your favorite shows from your childhood?  I'd love to hear what would make your "Top 5 Shows" lists!  Post comments below.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Craziest Commercial Comparisons Over Time

Have you ever noticed that companies change their target market and advertising tactics over time?

Burger King from the 1960's:

Burger King: Hilariously New

Ancient Geico (no pun intended):

Geico: Oldie but a goodie

Geico: New