Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Taking Tattoos to a Whole New Level

In my Marketing class last semester, we were talking about brand management and how it is crucial that companies build brand loyalty among their customer base.  Well, that's all fine and good, of course.  I like my "Three Musketeers" bars and no one will be able to convince me that "Snickers" or "Twix" have fluffier or more delicious chocolate.

What I didn't realize was that some people were taking this kind of brand loyalty to a whole new level: 
I guess it's too bad that WalMart changed their logo--hope he's okay with that!
I hope he is getting some referral commissions for this when he goes to the beach. 

This last one surprised me most of all--talk about dedication to social networking:

QR Codes as Tattoos
